Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To my boys

Tommy dearest.
I love you because...
you balance "us" out so perfectly. You are the perfect compliment to my crazy
I love you because...
you tell me I'm beautiful even with zit cream on (yeah, I said that!)
I love you because...
you teach me things I never thought I would care about. Who knew I would someday like baseball and know when spring training starts??
I love you because...
you gave me our boys. You are an amazing Dad
I love you because...
you make me want to be a better person
I love you because...
through the thick and thin, you've always been there. Thank you for never giving up on us
I love you more than words can say


Aidan Monkey
I love you because...
you are the best big brother in the world
I love you because...
you are so funny and make us laugh all the time
I love you because...
you dance like a robot while singing "I like to move it move it"
I love you because..
you like to spend time baking and doing crafts with me. I dread the day when hanging out with me is no longer fun
I love you because...
you can tell the difference between "mommy music" and "daddy music" and you know the words to Adele (whether this is a good or bad thing is still TBD!)
I love you because..
you are my first baby and you taught me how to love unconditionally

and last but certainly not least...my Gray baby
I love you because...
the first thing you do when you wake up is smile at me
I love you because...
you have the cutest army crawl
I love you because...
of your determined personality
I love you because...
you are still so innocent and sweet
I love you because...
you love to snuggle up with me
I love you because...
you have the cutest, red, spiky hair

Happy Valentines Day to you and yours!

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