Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Journey List

A dear friend of mine who blogs over at Journey with Jess Jones came up with the idea of creating a journey list. A journey list is just a list of goals or experiences you must include as part of your journey or life. She deemed the list a journey list rather than a bucket list and I have to say, I LOVE this idea. Who wants a running list of things to do before they die? Sounds a bit morbid to me so journey list it is! I also love the idea of a running list versus a list for the new year because I feel like then the pressure is on to cross everything off before the year ends. Now, don't get me wrong, I am all about accomplishing tasks and crossing them off but I also hate the feeling I get when I don't accomplish a goal. AND lets be real here...sometimes life gets in the way and doesn't always go as planned which can make it hard to accomplish a goal in a set period of time. So, without further ado here is a peak at my journey list...
  1. Find time to volunteer and help others. After all, the reason I started this blog was to not only write about all the crazy, fun, happy and sad moments that happen during my life but to also teach my boys how to help others in both big and small ways. 
  2. To blog...sounds pretty obvious, right? 
  3. Take a yoga or exercise class
  4. Learn how to golf
  5. Read the Bible
  6. Be more adventurous and push the limits. I tend to stick with what I know because it works. 
  7. Figure out what my gifts are and use them to help others as God intended
  8. Do a 5K or triathlon (right Kristina, Alicia and Michelle?!) 
  9. Take a vacation with my family
  10. Date my husband
  11. Go back to school for my MBA
  12. Be more crafty (or at least try)
  13. Cook. As in really learn how to cook... not, find a recipe and follow it. Instead, be creative and create original recipes.
I hope to add more to this list as time goes on and I think it will be fun to see how the list evolves over time. Do you have a journey list? What does it look like?  


  1. So proud of you for starting the blog!! Love the "Journey List" - I am doing the 30 things Before 30 list and only have 5 done, I need to get back on track... Only 10 more months! As for #8, I will come to Wisconsin and do a triathlon with you - it kept me on track and kept me from quitting multiple times knowing that Michelle and Kristina were doing it with me - so I will be there for you :) Excited to follow your blog! Miss you! xoxo

  2. Thank you so much! Looking forward to our tri...lets plan in March when you are here visiting. Counting down the days!
    Love you!

  3. Tommy is one lucky guy.... Date my husband, you are too cute!


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